Forget it. I'll just not do anything with anybody. I can unleash fat, out of control, under trained, never reaching their full potential, furry creatures into the civilized world. Don't panic. We'll blend in just fine...
First Amigo is going to suck you into her cookie vortex
Then rip your children to shred. Especially if said children looks like water logged sticks.
But wait!
Here comes Beezer.
He's going to knock you off your feet with his log a la Bam Bam style
Hmmm, maybe not. 'Cause he's a little afraid he may not get it back...
Anyways, here's some videos of Reckon doing some training! His beach pictures suck. He's either barking at someone, or running in circles. In this video we are trying Susan Garrett's game "it's yer choice"
That cookie vortex is the perfect Meego picture!!