Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I can only start by wishing that I started blogging sooner. Then this post wouldn't be quite so bitter sweet.
I'll start with a bit of background. My mom and I got Fyvish as a birthday present for my mom 6 years ago on June 21st 2003. He was supposed to be HER dog. This date also happened to fall on Amigo's 6Th birthday. Amigo asked for a refund immediately, or at least a tennis ball!
We already had two other dogs, Buster and Amigo (ages 15yrs and 6yrs respectfully), as well as 2 cats, Louie and Chatty. Nobody was too impressed with the addition to the family.
He was also the first male dog I had ever owned. (Even though they have male names, Buster and Amigo are both girls)

I was working at a Daycare for dogs at the time so I was fortunate enough to be able to bring my dogs to work. The first day I brought Fyvish in, I placed him with some smaller, more placid dogs and what was his reaction??!?!?!....HUMPING!! And so our journey began...

Fyvish was a momma's boy like no other. He was 100% my dog. Other people he knew could be holding his leash 3 feet from me and he would scream. And I don't mean a little sad crying scream...I mean shrieking like a little girl. He was my shadow, and the best part was I could take him ANYWHERE. He was great with children, other dogs, loud noises. Everything. Nothing could faze him. Nothing except his own flatulence, or if my mom farted. He didn't like it, it scared him.

His other most memorable trait was his humping. Boy could be hump. His favourite dog of choice were males, preferably black and taller than him. I can't count all the times I would scream "No Sexy" in the trails. God knows why I decided to coin his humping with that phrase.
He was also extremely territorial. He hated Oben (a NSDTR) who lived behind us. He never looked as vicious as when he ran back and forth along the fence biting the top railing. He patrolled our street like he owned it, but as soon as we left our little cul-de-sac, he would become his usual self.

He was wicked smart, and so confident, it was easy to train him. But with the Husky in him, he could be wicked stubborn too. He always kept me on my toes.
He was a crash course on owning a dog that wasn't perfect from the get-go. I never had a dog that needed training to NOT chase bikes, or joggers or motorcycles.

And even Amigo was starting to love him. She was more of a people dog, not really wanting to play with other dogs, unless she was throwing herself at an intact male...
One day, when Fyvish was a yound adolescent, I heard running and dancing out on the deck in the backyard. They were playing! Fyvish got Amigo to play, and they never stopped after that. She adored him, and visa versa. I will always be grateful to his boisterous confident personality that brought out Amigo's playfulness with other dogs.

Fyvish had so many funny quirks, I could fill a book with his antics. I will share more stories as time progresses, as well as add in the numerous things he taught me. But I will have to end this post with this:

Fyvish was truly a one of a kind dog. He drew people in with his wit and charm, not to mention his devilish good looks! He will always be loved and missed, and could never be replaced. I miss him dearly everyday and probably always will. He taught me so much, and will always hold a special place in my heart.

I love you Big Guy. Always and Forever!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Beezer's ears

Over the course of just 2 weeks, Beezer's ears have changed. Again. I can't snap pictures fast enough! I swear they look different everyday!

Here's what they looked like the day we brought him home. One normal "soft" ear, the other trying to stand up...

Then they changed to "tipped" ears. Almost like a shelties, but with more "flip"

And now they look like Sheltie ear, and the other one starting to fold towards the middle of his head. WTF?!

I wonder what's next....

Update! As Beezer approaches the 5 months mark, his ears are shaping up to look like Fyvish's. Only they are proportionate to his head. So much for prick ears!

May 20th 2010.

I've been meaning to update this post for quite some time. His ears keep changing, but fortunately not as frequently. I think the last few pictures are how is ears are going to stay.

Straight out

Left floppy right straight

Back to both straight

Still hanging out there

Now they're both down

Oops, Right down, left straight

Most recently back to hanging about!

Whew! I do hope the ear changing has stopped. I'm running out of blogging room!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Newest Addition

Welcome Beezer! A beautiful little boy was added to our family on Nov 8th, 2009. His mom was supposidly pure border collie, wieghing 30 lbs. Dad is anyone's guess. They're thinking Shepherd and maybe Boxer. I can see it, but I don't know if I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of dog that produces! My mom picked him out of three boys. Hardest decision ever. How do you choose between 3 fuzzy cuddly puppies?!?

He came from a rescue organization out in Surrey called S.A.R.A (Save Animals through Rescue and Adoption). When we arrived all the puppies were surrounded by numerous cats and even a few rodents (in cages of course)!
Although I didn't want to admit it, I was a little hesitant to get one of these pups. They didn't seem overly interested in people, and were a little nervous when petted. But I couldn't walk away. I just had to have one, for a very special reason. Beezer's birthday is bittersweet. He was born on the day I had to put my beloved Fyvish to sleep.

That evening my house was full of well wishers and looky loos getting a peek at the new baby.

Although I was thrilled to have a puppy in the house, I was scared. I thought we got the dud puppy. He was a little nervous, didn't really want treats, and was not the exuberant pup that had been Fyvish. I then realized that it was his first day in a new home with new surroundings. He needed time to adjust AND that I had to stop comparing Beezer to Fyvish. They are two different dogs.

As of today, we've had Beezer for just over a week, and I'm excited to say that we no longer have the dud puppy. He's definately coming out of his shell! The only concern I have with him now is his slight sensitivity to noise. Especially loud trucks. But we're working on it and we're getting better!

He's super smart and ADORES his big sister Amigo. I mean, adores, literally. He really really thinks she's all that with a cherry on top. She tolerates him, and is starting to play with him. Sorta.

The biggest feature change is his ears. They started off somewhat up, with one of them floppy. But now they sit on top of his head in a half up half folded look. I think he may be the first dog I have that has prick ears. How exciting!

Oh and he knows how to bark. A lot.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A rollercoaster year.

Most people look forward to a New Year. It can be a time for a fresh start, a change of pace or finally going through with that New Years resolution. I too hope for a fresh start to the New Year.
The year started off just great. In January a whole group of us headed off to Jamaica for a week. Then in February my friend and I headed Down Under for almost a month on a Conitki tour. What a blast!
But when life couldn't get any better..BAM!
After the summer the year turned a little darker. As of today (Nov. 15Th 2009) my family and friends have put down a total of 3 dogs, suffered a miscarriage, and have had family in the hospital. Needless to say, we are all looking forward to the New Year.
But not all was hopeless! Little Loic arrived in the world, plus many birth and pregnancy announcements have spread joy throughout the year. Not too mention adding Beezer to our family!

Needless to say it has been a year full of ups and downs! I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year, filled with joy!