Monday, November 15, 2010

A dog, a cat and a mouse?

Ok, well not a real mouse. Cause if it where real, it would be disemboweled outside the front door. Love you Louie!!

It happens to be a cat toy that Beezer adores. It also happens to make a slightly irritating un-mouse like chirping sound. Fun!

I got home one fine evening after a movie with some friends (don't act surprised, I have at least 3)and I thought to myself "Self, you have not taken any pictures with your new camera recently." And so I spent the next hour trying to capture Beezer, Chatty, and the toy mouse interacting with one another.

Not easy.

Now throughout the course of the day I can find Chatty and Beezer at the end of a dark hallway, or alone in the family room "catching up" with one another.
Beezer will follow her around and around incessantly trying to grab her attention. However, only when she sees fit does she decide the interact with him.
On her terms.
He must stand or lie perfectly still while she wraps around and around his legs and under his stomach. Awwwwwww.

Stop taking pictures, you're ruining the moment

Now back to the picture taking part.

At first, I followed them around the house trying to capture a candid moment. No. Such. Luck. The lighting sucked, and my photography skills sucked more, so the pictures were blurry and horrible.

So I shoved everyone into the bathroom:) Here are the results.

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