We're back! And still in one piece. With 3 girls, 6 dogs and a whole lot of crap crammed into what felt, at times, like a smart car we managed to travel to Calgary and back for the AAC Nationals Championships held at Spruce Meadows.
Although I was usually nervous, hot, hungry or tired at some point during the day, Amigo and I had a great time. Our weather was pretty decent and there were no meltdowns had by myself or fellow friends.
The competition was fierce! Nationals is no joking matter people. I mean, it's NATIONALS. In case you didn't quite grasp what that means, I'm talking ALL of Canada (or at least those who qualified at Regionals and were committed enough to travel to Alberta). In Amigo's group (10" double drop veterans) there were over 40 dogs. And I'm pretty sure she was close to the top in age (13)!!
First and foremost, Amigo had fun, which is the entire reason why I drag myself out of bed at 5:30 and spend 18 hours outside wanting to puke or faint from nerves. And to think we're in the ring for a total of maybe, 2 minutes a day. Yep, officially a freak.
Playing in the fountain
Anyways, so Amigo and I managed to run 2 clean rounds. 1 jumpers and 1 standard. I forgot to handler her on one jumpers course,so we got an off course, and even though I didn't see it, we were called for a missed contact in our other standard. We just plain old suck at Gamblers, so we didn't rack up any point there.
But wait, a surprise! Did you know at Nationals they award ribbons to 10th place? Me neither! So we actually walked away with a 7th ribbon for the Standard, and a 4th for Jumpers! When we run well, we actually do pretty darn good. Go Meego Peego:)
I was so pleased with Amigo. Even though it was hot and I was a bundle of nerves, she ran beautifully and with enthusiasm, which is why I love this sport in the first place.
On another note, Beezer was a very good boy during all this hub bub. He had a few tantrums in his kennels when I would leave our stall with Amigo, but all in all he was superb. No barking, settled nicely to watch the competition, and was great in the hotel too! He even decided he likes these sporty dogs so much, that he wanted to join in on the fun. His tug drive was insane! Frisbees, fur tugs, rope, leashes, anything would rev him up. We even practiced over some low 10" bars and he was really enthusiastic! Yay...hope:)
Can I haz some Agility?!